Wednesday, September 10, 2008 | |

J2ME Jargon

J2ME we know is the mobile version of JAVA. A long list of terms is associated to J2ME which a J2SE programmer is not likely to be aware of... Here is a list which of course, needs addition:

  1. J2ME - Java 2 micoedition, the version of JAVA designed specifically for micro devices like PDA,Cellphones,Set top boxes etc. 
  2. Configuration and profiles : Check this post about configurations and profiles
  3. CDC - Common device configuration - a set of rules defining a set of devices to be used under this scheme.
  4. CLDC - Common Limited Device Configuration - a more limited CDC - specifically for PDAs and phones
  5. MIDP - Mobile Information Device profile - A more specific CLDC which narrows down the devices under CLDC to a limited set of mobile phones and PDAs by limiting memory, screen size etc.
  6. JCP- Java Community Process - a community to standardize the usage of JAVA.
  7. JSR - Java Specification Requests - A list and specifications of configurations and profiles in J2ME. Visit
  8. KVM - a small Virtual Machine of JAVA used in CLDC implementations. K stands for data transferred in Kilo Bytes.
  9. Foundation Profile - A specification for devices which support a networked J2ME enviornment. It does not support user interface. User interfaces and other support is built on top of this profile.
  10. PDAP -  A PDA profile
  11. JTWI - Java Technology for Wireless Industry. A technology which attempts to standadise the J2ME technology.
  12. WORA - (Write Once Read Anywhere) The Java mantra which extends even to J2ME speaking of the platform independence.
  13. Platform fragmentation - A problem associated with J2ME applications which can not be completely solved. WORA is not fully satisfied in J2ME since differenet devices use different device specific APIs. So different versions of same program need to be specified for different platforms.
  14. J2MEWTK - Java 2 Micro Edition Wireless ToolKit
  15. Preverify - An entirely new step in the process of building J2ME applications. Bytecode verification is divided into two, one being that of preverification, so that only a lightweight second verification is requireed before loading classes actually.
  16. Manifest file - A file inside Java Archive which describes the content of that archive. In J2ME additional manifest information is added to manifest file describing MIDP runtime enviornment.
  17. Obfuscator-  A tool for minimizing the size of JAR file.
  18. Proguard- An obfuscator.
  19. Ant - A powerfull build scripting tool. Can be sued for automating the build process of MIDlet suits. Opensource, similar to 'make' and a part of Apache project.